040-59 22 90 info@liljenberg.se

Electronic combination locks

Beloxx electronic combination locks

In Scandinavia Liljenberg now launches an innovative new code lock with a design to suit all applications.

Beloxx has been one of the leading manufacturers of innovative code locking systems for many years, with high functionality and consistent design. Based on the leading market position Beloxx relentlessly continue to improve existing products and develop new code locking system products.

Through the innovation of the BeCode and further development resulted in the BeCode EVO, BeCode EVO+ and BeCode AIR. Beloxx has created a new generation of electronic keyless code locking systems. A brilliant combination of technology and design.

The installation is extremely simple and save users considerable time. This combined with the attractive price level makes electronic code locking systems an attractive option.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7N7_6KC8sWU" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


P. +46 40 592290
F. +46 40 592299

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Mobilgatan 6, 235 39 Vellinge

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Liljenberg AB

Mobilgatan 6

235 39 Vellinge


P. +46 40 592290
